Search Results: "Don Armstrong"

14 March 2013

Don Armstrong: libravatar for the BTS (and boring encoding fixes)

While working on fixing a few encoding problems that I managed to introduce to the BTS almost half a year ago, I took a side bit of coding, and introduced libravatar support to the BTS. Every e-mail now has an avatar to the right which should correspond to the sender. Libravatar is a federated service, which means that if you control your domain, you can serve your own icons. It also automatically falls back to gravatar, so if you're using that service, things should "just work". Hopefully this will be primarily amusing, and people won't abuse it. More importantly, but much less fun, the double encoding problems (where mails would get double-encoded if any of the headers contained non-us-ascii text), and mojibake wontfix icon ( ) should be fixed now. If you see any additional cases of this, please report them to

10 October 2012

Don Armstrong: Bug Reporting Rate in Debian

Christian's most recent blog post got me wondering if the decline in the bug reporting rate in Debian was something new, or something which often happened during releases. So, lets try to figure that out. In the BTS, when a bug report is filed, the report is written to a file called, and then not touched from then on. Let's look at the modification date on that file to see when each bug was filed; and since we're going to plot this, lets only look at bugs ending in 00:
stat -c '%n %Y' /srv/ archive,db-h /00/*.report > ~/reporting_rate.txt
Now, lets get the data into R and plot it. [For clarity, I'm not showing the R code, but it's available in the source code for this post.] From the plot (Bugs reported per second over time with a red loess fit line), it looks like we do see a decline during certain periods. However, there's an even more alarming trend of a decrease in bug reporting in Debian which has been happening since 2006. (Note that I've truncated the y scale significantly; there are periods in Debian where the bug rate is astronomically high, usually corresponding to mass bug filings; I've also limited the plot to data from 2003 on, as I have to clean up that data significantly before I can plot it like this.) Not sure exactly what that means, but it is troubling.

5 October 2012

Martín Ferrari: KGB 1.16 is out!

It was a surprisingly busy week. The commit notification service CIA was shut down about a week ago, so I spammedsent some messages to announce that KGB could be used as a replacement, and Don Armstrong wrote a great tutorial on how to set it up. As a result, many people came to us to use our bots, or to set-up their own instances. Since then, 14 Debian sub-projects started using our bots, and we know of at least two other bots being run independently. For a small project that was mainly developed and maintained for our own use, this was quite some unexpected popularity! With bug reports and feature requests starting to flow in, Damyan Ivanov (who's basically the one doing most of the work these days) sat down and produced a new release. So, I present you, KGB 1.16! What's new Bug fixes Coming up soon Tags: Planet Debian, KGB

28 September 2012

Don Armstrong: Switching to KGB from CIA has unfortunately disappeared, and is unlikely to return any time soon. I personally have decided to switch to KGB, but other alternatives such as FBI and irker exist. To switch, you first need to find or set up a kgb bot. If this is a Debian associated FOSS project, feel free to contact me or join #kgb-devel on and ask for someone to allow your project to talk to their bot. Once you've found a bot, we need to set up the client. [I'll talk about bot set up at the end.]

kgb-client configuration Install the kgb-client and kgb-client-git packages. Currently, kgb only supports subversion and git, but I suspect this will be rectified shortly. For git repositories, add a post-receive hook like the following:
tee hooks/reflog   kgb-client --conf /path/to/kgbclient.conf --repository git --git-reflog -
For subversion repositories, add a post-commit hook like the following:
kgb-client --conf /path/to/kgbclient.conf --repository svn "$1" "$2"
Then update the configuration file /path/to/kgbclient.conf:
repo-id: my-repository
 - uri: http://servername:9999/
   password: verysecret
# optional link to a website where the commits are;
# needs newish kgb-client and server
web-link:;a=commitdiff;h=$ commit 
Then, send the bot owner the password, repo-id, channel, and network you'd like the changes to be reported to.

Configuring kgb-bot The bots just listen to soap requests and if the password matches, sends the commit to the appropriate IRC channel. To set one up, install kgb-bot. Then, enable the bot (set BOT_ENBALED=1 in /etc/default/kgb-bot), and configure the bot's configuration file /etc/kgb-bot/kgb.conf:
  server_port: 9999
  service_name: KGB
queue_limit: 150
log_file: "/var/log/kgb-bot.log"
  # just a name to identify it
    # needs to be the same on the client
    password: verysecret
    nick: KGB-you
    ircname: KGB bot
    username: kgb
    password: ~
    nickserv_password: yournickservpassword
    port: 6667
    nick: KGB-you
    ircname: KGB bot
    username: kgb
    password: ~
    nickserv_password: yournickservpassword
    port: 6667
  - name: '#your-channel'
    network: oftc
     - your-repo
  - name: '#commits'
    network: freenode
     - your-repo
Then start the bot (/etc/init.d/kgb-bot start), and watch as it joins channels and reports your changes! You'll probably actually want to register whatever nick you are using on the networks, etc... but you can figure that out yourself!

9 August 2012

Don Armstrong: Migrating from Subversion to git with git-annex

Recently, I've started converting many of my subversion repositories to git, some of which contain fairly large files (2-3G). However, git can be slow to deal with repositories with large files, and it also isn't able to selectively discard unneeded files when disk space is pressing. Thankfully, git-annex resolves most of these problems with git, but the process required to use git-annex on a converted subversion repository is slightly complicated. Basic conversion of svn to git The basic conversion of svn to git is done using git-svn:
 git svn clone file:///srv/svn/foo --no-metadata -A authors.txt -T trunk foo
where /srv/svn/foo is the subversion repository, authors.txt is a list of login = Full Name <> pairs matching each of the subversion commit authors, and foo is the git repository to create. git-svn has a ton of useful options, but the basic invocation above is all I'm concerned with. Migrating large files from git into git-annex In order to migrate from git to a git+git-annex setup, we'll have to walk the entire commit history, and edit each commit to instead store large files in git-annex, replacing the large file with a symlink, and finally eliminate all of the references to the old large objects, and do garbage collection. Because we may have the same file move around, we're going to use the git-annex SHA1 backend instead of the default WORM backend which is based on filename and size, and init git-annex.
  cd foo; echo '* annex.backend=SHA1' > .git/info/attributes
  git annex init
Then, we're going to filter out the large files using git filter-branch. To do that, we'll first, we'll create a little helper script, which will remove the file from the git repository, add to git annex, and fix up the symlinks:
 git rm --cached "$ f ";
 git annex add "$ f ";
 annexdest="$(/bin/readlink -v $ f )";
 ln -sf "$ annexdest#../../ " "$ f ";
 echo -n "Added: "
 ls -l "$ f ";
Then we will run filter-branch, and annex all files larger than 5 megabytes. [Tweak the find command if you want to do something different.]
 git filter-branch  --tag-name-filter cat --tree-filter \
'find . -ipath \*.git\* -prune -o -path \*.temp\* -prune -o -size +5M -type f -print0 xargs -0 -r -n1 ~/;
 git reset HEAD .git-rewrite; :' -- master
This operation will take a while. [It would be better to do this during the initial svn git conversion, but since that requires more knowledge of git-svn, svn, git, and git-annex internals than I have, and I only have to do this once for each repository, it's not worth my time.] Now we have successfully switched everything to using git-annex, and we need to clean out the old references to the files:
 rm .git/svn -rf;
 rm -rf .git/refs/original .git/refs/remote/trunk .git/refs/remote/git-svn;
 git reflog expire --expire=now --all
 git gc --prune=now
 git gc --prune=now --aggressive
(I'm not sure if the last two commands need to be separate; I'm cargo culting a bit there.) Storing all git-annex files in a remote repository Because git-annex allows you to easily throw away files which are no longer referred to by the tip of any branch using git annex unneeded (and because I'd like all of the files on my central remote repository), I'm going to shove all of the git annex files into the remote bare repository. Normally, you would use git annex copy --to=remote; to do this, but because that only copies needed files, not everything, we'll have to do it manually. First, create the remote repository:
 git init --bare /srv/git/foo.git
 cd /srv/git/foo.git; git annex init
Add the remote to the local repository, push to the remote, and sync the objects and sync the annex:
 git remote add origin ssh://
 git push origin master
 rsync -avP .git/annex/objects ssh://;
 git annex sync
Finally, on the remote, run git annex fsck to clean up the links to the imported objects:
 cd /srv/git/foo.git; git annex fsck;
Unresolved issues I don't know if the above works properly for branches. I suspect that it does not. I also have not exhaustively tested this methodology to verify that all of the history is present in every case. But hopefully this post (or some modification of it) will be helpful to you. Credit Many of the methodologies described here I originally found in tyger's git-annex forum post, the git gc stuff came from random google searches about shrinking git repositories, and the rsync suggestion came from joeyh (author of git-annex) and the other helpful denizens of #vcs-home on

14 July 2012

Don Armstrong: Debbugs: Control at Submit time

One of the features that I have been asked for multiple times is the ability to use commands at time. I have now implemented this with the following syntax:
Package: foo
Version: 1.0-3
Control: retitle -1 this is the title
Control: severity -1 bleargh
Control: summary -1 0
Control: forward -1
In short, you preface any control commands with Control:, -1 is the current bug, and the rest of each line is the control@ grammar you already know. This also now works for every kind of message to with the exception of messages received at nnn-done and nnn-forwarded. I don't know why you'd use it for anything else but submit@ messages, but hey, whatever works.

Don Armstrong: Debbugs: outlook command

Neil McGovern asked me to add an additional feature to the BTS to support tracking the current status of attempts at fixing a bug. In past releases, we've used the nice commenting feature of to keep track of what is going on in a particular nasty RC bug, who is working on it, and what needs to be done next (or if everyone can just ignore the bug). This feature should probably have already been in the BTS to start with, but now it is. In addition to the existing summary feature, where you can nominate a message or text to be the summary for a bug, there is an outlook command, which tracks the current status of the bug, and behaves in exactly the same way:
outlook 12345 not good
outlook 54321 0
I'm totally stymied by #54321.
for example. I plan to include the outlook in the bugscan output in the future too, so it'll be easily accessible. (And possibly up-to-the-minute with some javascript-fu.)

5 July 2012

Don Armstrong: Wikipedia Deletion Reviews

Many community driven projects have a problem with overgrown bureaucratic processes reducing the desire and ability of casual contributors to contribute. Debian has struggled with this problem, with efforts like Debian Maintainers and sponsorship to address it, but it's insidious and difficult to completely overcome. I recently ran into this problem again with Wikipedia, where I'm a casual contributor (I probably average an edit a month). Sometime in 2006, I uploaded an image of a Boojum tree I took in 2004 to Wikipedia to provide an image for the Boojum tree article. It wasn't a particularly awe inspiring image, as I took it while I was teaching second quarter freshmen biology on campus, and showing the students the awesome Botanical Gardens at UCR. In 2011, a Wikipedia user asked for deletion of the image because of some confusion about the copyright on the image, as Apache::Gallery's default template footer contains Apache::Gallery's copyright. I didn't notice that during the 7 day deletion review period because I rarely log into Wikipedia. A few days ago, I noticed the deletion and asked for a Deletion Review. I assumed that my explanation that the copyright notice was for Apache::Gallery would be understood (or at least believed), and that at least the original reason for the deletion would be seen to be invalid. Instead, during the process I was questioned as to whether I actually took the picture, why I used GPLv2+ for the pictures, whether I was claiming other people's images, and whether the image was actually good enough to be in Wikipedia in the first place. Hundreds of lines of text, an edit to the template in A::G, hours wasted, people still unsatisfied, and the potential contributor (myself) feeling so annoyed with the entire process that I bothered to write this blog entry. While I'm not sure what to do about Wikipedia, I've been forcibly reminded of how important enabling easy contributions are, and how alienated one can feel when one is stymied by them to the point that your (admittedly insignificant) contribution to a project no longer seems worth the effort.

22 March 2012

Don Armstrong: Introducing Sweavealike

I use R a lot. It's one of the primary tools I use in my day job as a scientist analyzing large datasets. If you use LaTeX with R (as I often do), you probably use Sweave to interleave R output and figures with your text describing those figures using the noweb method of literate programming. Sweavealike is a plugin for IkiWiki that tries to do some of the useful things for IkiWiki that sweave does for R and LaTeX. You use it like the following:
[[!sweavealike  echo=1 code="""
a <- 1
a <- a + 10
which produces this result when run:
> a <- 1
> a <- a + 10
> print(a)
[1] 11
You can also generate figures with it:
[[!sweavealike  fig=1 echo=1 results="hide" code="""
plot(1:10,(1:10)^2,xlab="x",ylab=expression(x^2),main="Example Figure")
> plot(1:10,(1:10)^2,xlab="x",ylab=expression(x^2),main="Example Figure")
The plugin itself uses the neat Statistics::R perl module to handle all of the heavy lifting. I personally plan on using this plugin to help write some more entries in my learning R series of posts that I'm beginning to work on. Hopefully I'll find and fix most of the bugs as I embark on that process so anyone else who uses the plugin won't, but feel free to e-mail me if something isn't working as it should. Finally, you shouldn't run this plugin on a publicly editable IkiWiki instance, because that would be a trivial local user exploit as R can run arbitrary code, read and write to arbitrary files, exhaust all memory, etc.

13 March 2012

Don Armstrong: Debbugs forcemerge support

One of the earliest features I wrote for the Debian bug tracking system (Debbugs) after joining the team was support for forcibly merging bugs. Originally, merging two bugs required that the bugs be in exactly the same state before merging them; forcemerge removed this requirement. Unfortunately, the way I originally implemented this was shortsighted, and merely forced the merge partners to have the same values as the merge master. This meant that owners, blocking bugs, and many other things were silently changed, which meant that people weren't notified of changes, and bugs could end up in an inconsistent state. A while ago, I decided to fix this by calculating the changes required to actually merge the bugs, making those changes, and then merging the bugs normally; thus, doing everything that a maintainer would normally have done for them. This necessitated abstracting out the entire control apparatus into the Debbugs::Control module. Now that it's complete, you can do the following:
> forcemerge 1 2
Bug #1 [foo] new title
Bug #2  Done: foo@bugs.something  [foo] foo
Unset bug forwarded-to-address
Severity set to 'wishlist' from 'grave'
3 was blocked by: 2
3 was not blocking any bugs.
Removed blocking bug(s) of 3: 2
2 was blocked by: 4
2 was not blocking any bugs.
Removed blocking bug(s) of 2: 4
Bug reopened
Removed annotation that bug was owned by
Removed indication that 2 affects bleargh
Removed tag(s) unreproducible and moreinfo.
Merged 1 2
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
and bug 2 now is merged with 1 and matches the state of 1. [The above is the control output from the appropriate bit of the 06_mail_handling.t test.] This change also means that I'll be able to finally write support for control@ operations at submit@ time. Also, all of the bug modifications that happen at submit@ or nnn@ time (setting title, found, etc.) will be implemented as calls to Debbugs::Control so we can eventually keep a postgresql database updated in addition to the flatfile database.

2 March 2012

Don Armstrong: Debian R Archive

For those of you were were in the various Debian infrastructure channels, you might have noticed that I was playing around with wanna-build, dak, sbuild, and buildd and friends. [Thanks to everyone who answered questions, btw.] Over the past week, I've been building most of CRAN, Bioconductor, and omegahat for unstable, amd64. I plan to build the same set of packages for i386, and will start a build shortly for stable as well. This effort builds on top of Charles Blundell and Dirk Eddelbuettel's cran2deb, which does most of the heavy lifting. If you're like me, and use lots of different R packages, or already use some of the R packages available on the previous build, you can simply point your sources.list to the [] archive, load the appropriate GPG key, and away you go. I have a bit more information available here and I will try to keep that page updated as I build other architectures and build out for stable.

29 January 2012

Don Armstrong: Changing Grub2's default boot entry and halting

I have a mythtv box which (when working) records television shows for me. As I'm not interested in the vast majority of shows shown on US television, it spends most of it's time off, waiting for a show that I want to record. This requires using nvram-wakeup, and one of the oddities of my machine's bios is that it wants to be rebooted after setting the nvram. [This is likely due to Debian writing to the RTC after the nvram being updated, but not setting the RTC seems stupid.] After the reboot, the machine should halt, and grub should be configured to start the machine normally once the bios starts. As grub2 now supports named default entries, this is fairly straightforward. We create a menu entry like the following in /etc/grub.d/40_custom:
 menuentry 'halt'  
         set saved_entry=0;
         save_env saved_entry;
make sure that GRUB_DEFAULT="saved" in /etc/default/grub; and set MythShutdownNvramRestartCmd to /usr/sbin/grub-set-default halt:
 mysql mythdb -e "UPDATE settings SET data='/usr/sbin/grub-set-default halt' WHERE value='MythShutdownNvramRestartCmd'";
and viola, the machine now behaves properly with grub2.

28 January 2012

Don Armstrong: Using wicd on UCR's WPA network

UC Riverside's wireless network uses WPA-EAP for the encrypted network. [The unencrypted network does a https based browser capture.] Unfortunately, none of the default wicd encryption templates support the precise brand of WPA that the network does, so you have to make your own template. Luckily, wicd makes this fairly simple: Create a new template, say, /etc/wicd/encryption/templates/eap-only, with appropriate contents.
 name = EAP
 author = Don Armstrong
 version = 1
 require identity *Identity passwd *Password 
Then tell wicd about this new template by editing /etc/wicd/encryption/templates/active and adding eap-only to the existing list of templates, and restart wicd /etc/init.d/wicd restart. [I'm not sure if restarting wicd is necessary, but it shouldn't hurt.] Finally, configure the network using the appropriate wicd interface as usual.

6 December 2011

Don Armstrong: X200 Bios Update on Debian

Updating the bios on my X200 Tablet was surprisingly simple in Debian. Often, updating bios requires some sort of Windows or Dos boot disk and all kinds of machinations to make that happen. Lenovo provides an iso image to update the bios which alleviates some of these problems, but as the X series don't have built-in CDROM drives (and I don't have an ultrabay), All you have to do is download the iso, install syslinux aptitude install syslinux, and configure grub to start memdisk and boot off of the iso. You can do this by copying the iso to your boot partition (cp 7wuj43uc.iso /boot/;), copying memdisk to the boot partition (cp /usr/lib/syslinux/memdisk /boot/;) and adding an entry to your grub.cfg like the following (putting it in /etc/grub.d/40_custom is probably the most reasonable):
menuentry "Thinkpad x200 BIOS Upgrade to 3.19"  
       insmod part_msdos
       insmod ext2
       set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
       linux16 /memdisk iso
       initrd16 /7wuj43uc.iso
Note that your configuration will be slightly different depending on whether you have a separate /boot partition (I do) or not. Then you just need to boot the laptop, select the bios upgrade option in grub, and tell the program that you really do want to upgrade the bios and that you really do have a full battery and the laptop plugged into an AC adapter. The major idea for this method came from ThinkWiki's entry.

Don Armstrong: X200 Bios Update on Debian

Updating the bios on my X200 Tablet was surprisingly simple in Debian. Often, updating bios requires some sort of Windows or Dos boot disk and all kinds of machinations to make that happen. Lenovo provides an iso image to update the bios which alleviates some of these problems, but as the X series don't have built-in CDROM drives (and I don't have an ultrabay), All you have to do is download the iso, install syslinux aptitude install syslinux, and configure grub to start memdisk and boot off of the iso. You can do this by copying the iso to your boot partition (cp 7wuj43uc.iso /boot/;), copying memdisk to the boot partition (cp /usr/lib/syslinux/memdisk /boot/;) and adding an entry to your grub.cfg like the following (putting it in /etc/grub.d/40_custom is probably the most reasonable):
menuentry "Thinkpad x200 BIOS Upgrade to 3.19"  
       insmod part_msdos
       insmod ext2
       set root='(hd0,msdos1)'
       linux16 /memdisk iso
       initrd16 /7wuj43uc.iso
Note that your configuration will be slightly different depending on whether you have a separate /boot partition (I do) or not. Then you just need to boot the laptop, select the bios upgrade option in grub, and tell the program that you really do want to upgrade the bios and that you really do have a full battery and the laptop plugged into an AC adapter. The major idea for this method came from ThinkWiki's entry.

28 March 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: People behind Debian: Bdale Garbee, chair of the technical committee

Bdale is a long-time Free Software believer, he has been contributing even before Debian existed in the prehistoric era of free software. :-) Anyone who went to a big Free Software conference has seen one of his colorful t-shirts. Or maybe you have heard the story where he got his beard shaved by Linus Torvalds to raise funds to protect the Tasmanian Devil. More seriously Bdale has played and continue to play a number of important roles in the Debian community. He also represents one of the biggest corporate sponsors (both for DebConf and for the servers that Debian owns): Hewlett Packard. My questions are in bold, the rest is by Bdale. Who are you? I made my first personal contribution of source code to what we now call Free Software in 1979. I started with HP in 1986 and for nearly a decade have served the company as Chief Technologist for Open Source & Linux. I am president of Software in the Public Interest, which is the umbrella organization providing legal and financial existence for Debian in the USA. I also represent users, developers, and Debian interests on a number of boards including at the Linux Foundation and the Freedombox Foundation. I m happily married with two children. Many people in Debian have met some or all of my family. They all joined me for Debconf in Edinburgh, and my daughter Elizabeth also attended in Caceres and New York. I joined Debian in 1994. I ve been responsible for a number of packages essential to our base system continuously since that time. But I ve also contributed to the project in many other ways over the years. I ran the first server that was fully dedicated to Debian. Ideas of mine influenced the development of project infrastructure, from the early design of our mirror network to structuring the archive around a package pool . I started or made significant early contributions to 5 ports of Debian to non-i386 architectures. I served as Debian Project Leader (DPL) in 2002-2003, was acting Secretary for a while, and have served on the Technical Committee for a number of years. Over the years, I ve also had some interesting hobbies. I helped design, build, and program pieces of various amateur radio satellites. I enjoy making physical things, and have many tools for working in wood and metals. My son and I are very active in the world of high power model rockets. And with my partner (and fellow Debian developer!) Keith Packard I m now running a small business making and selling open hardware and open source avionics for hobby rockets. You can read more about that at You re the chair of the Debian technical committee. Can you quickly explain the role of this committee? I think many people assume the Technical Committee has a larger role in Debian than it really does. Section 6 of Debian s constitution defines the official role of the Technical Committee. Most importantly, the committee exists as a last resort place to resolve technical conflicts between Debian developers that they are unable to resolve by themselves. Most of the power in Debian is left in the hands of individual developers, who are usually able to collaborate with each other to make good technical decisions. So the Technical Committee s resolution process has only rarely been needed, which I think is a very good thing. From my point of view, the technical committee is not working. In many cases, the committee does not take any (timely) decision and just waits until the underlying situation has evolved to a point where the intervention of the committee is no longer needed. Do you agree with this and how can you explain it? I think it s very important for all of us to remember that everyone working on Debian does so voluntarily, and people who volunteer their time generally deserve a measure of respect and appreciation for their efforts. No issue is brought to the Technical Committee unless resolving it is expected to be really difficult, or at least contentious. And often, the issues brought to the committee have been as much or more about personality than technology. That makes some of them really hard to solve. So I do not agree that the technical committee is not working. It seems to me that the decisions that bog down and take a long time are the ones where arguments start out or become emotional instead of technical. In this context, if committee members can help lead public and private discussions in a way that causes a situation to evolve to the point where a decision is no longer needed, that may be healthier for the project in the long term than a quick vote that satisfies some contributors at the expense of others. The last important change that was made to try to revive the committee was the addition of two new members (Don Armstrong and Russ Allbery). Is there anything else that could be tried? The biggest improvement I could personally wish for is something people sending issues to the committee can help with. As the ultimate technical decision making body for a project whose output is mostly software, the more a request can be put in terms of a decision about source code, the easier it will be for us to make a decision. That won t always be possible, but when we re forced to try and dream up alternatives and then figure out whether anyone would actually be willing to write the code to implement those alternatives, the process takes a lot longer than choosing between competing patch sets or deciding whether a patch should be included. Besides your role in the technical committee, you have held the role of mediator/facilitator/advisor on numerous occasions. Because you re an old wise bearded guy who travels a lot and knows many Debian contributors I would like to thank you for all this work that few people notice. Are there been times where this has been a real burden for you? Thank you for mentioning this. I ve put a lot of my heart into Debian over the years, largely because it s a project and a community that continues to amaze and inspire me. I feel fortunate to have been able to meet and work on Debian with so many outstanding people from around the world. Many are now my friends, with all the silly and serious things being a friend implies. I ve been asked for and have given advice many times. I ve helped celebrate birthdays, marriages, new jobs, and the arrival of children. Sadly, I have also found myself having to try and find the right words to mark the loss of some of these friends The only time any of this feels like a burden is when there s some important problem that many people care about, that I m working behind the scenes to help fix, but can t really talk about publicly without causing more harm than good. It s distressing to have people think you don t care or aren t helping, when really you re doing everything you possibly can just not in a publicly visible way. Of course I understand that this is an impossible situation. If you can t see what s happening, there s no way to know if something is happening or not. That s why I advocate doing as much as possible in Debian, and SPI, and everywhere else I contribute in as open a way as possible. You have been Debian Project Leader and you promoted the vision of Debian as the Universal Operating System. What does universal mean for you? The biggest thing to me at the time was the idea that Debian could be anything. Those who chose to work on Debian would ultimately determine what Debian became. I also wanted to make sure we thought about as broad a set of potential users and collaborators as possible. But this vision provided a framework for pursuing a whole range of worthwhile increases in Debian s scope of utility, some of which I articulated in my DPL platforms, some others put forward. Internationalization, porting to more supported architectures, our inclusive and evolving approaches to accepting new developers and new packages, and so forth. I think this vision has served us well, and it pleases me that it has stayed a part of our collective thinking for so long. We re again in Debian s electoral period, what do you think of the work done by the current DPL? I m very happy with what I ve observed of Stefano s activities during his first year as DPL. He has an obvious enthusiasm for Debian, communicates well both in one to one interactions and in front of a crowd, and I think represents Debian very well. It is interesting that he s running unopposed for re-election this year. I choose to interpret that as evidence he s doing a good job, the project is running well, and nobody feels the need to try and take the job away From him. I m glad he s willing to continue in this role for another year. What s the most important thing that Debian should achieve in the wheezy timeframe? I don t yet have a very crisp personal wish-list for wheezy. But I would certainly like to see multiarch support finally completed! I m also very interested to see what comes from the CUT work. You have been an early supporter of multiarch , a project to allow easy installation of foreign architecture packages. It s on good track for Wheezy. Do you think it s an important milestone? My original motivation for requesting multiarch support was to enable support for 32-bit x86 binaries on ia64 Itanium systems, in the time leading up to the sarge release. I ended up creating the ia32-libs package, which I m not proud of. The emergence of 64-bit extensions to x86 (the amd64 architecture) made this a much broader issue. Today, I run a 64 bit kernel and a 32 bit user space on my notebook. There are problems with just moving entirely to 64 bit but I would like to be able to run some applications that work with large data sets in full 64 bit mode!
Thank you to Bdale Garbee for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did. Subscribe to my newsletter to get my monthly summary of the Debian/Ubuntu news and to not miss further interviews. You can also follow along on, Twitter and Facebook.

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3 March 2011

Rapha&#235;l Hertzog: People behind Debian: Christian Perrier, translation coordinator

Christian is a figure of Debian, not only because of the tremendous coordination work that he does within the translation project, but also because he s very involved at the social level. He s probably in the top 5 of the persons who attended most often the Debian conference. Christian is a friend (thanks for hosting me so many times when I come to Paris for Debian related events) and I m glad that he accepted to be interviewed. He likes to speak and that shows in the length of his answers :-) but you ll be traveling the world while reading him. My questions are in bold, the rest is by Christian. Who are you? I am a French citizen (which is easy to guess unless you correct my usual mistakes in what follows). I m immensely proud of being married for nearly 26 years with Elizabeth (who deserves a statue from Debian for being so patient with my passion and my dedication to the project). I m also the proud father of 3 wonderful kids , aged 19 to 23. I work as team manager in the Networks and Computers Division of Onera the French Aerospace lab , a public research institute about Aeronautics, Space and Defense. My team provides computer management services for research divisions of Onera, with a specific focus put on individual computing. I entered the world of free software as one of the very first users of Linux in France. Back in the early 1990 s, I happened (though the BBS users communities) to be a friend of several early adopters of Linux and/or BSD386/FreeBSD/NetBSD in France. More specifically, I discovered Linux thanks with my friend Ren Cougnenc (all my free software talks are dedicated to Ren , who passed away in 1996). You re not a programmer, not even a packager. How did you come to Debian? I m definitely not a programmer and I never studied computing (I graduated in Materials Science and worked in that area for a few years after my PhD). However, my daily work always involved computing (I redesigned the creep testing laboratory and its acquisition system all by myself during my thesis research work). An my hobbies often involved playing with home computers, always trying to learn about something new. So, first learning about a new operating system then trying to figure out how to become involved in its development was quite a logical choice. Debian is my distro of choice since it exists. I used Slackware on work machines for a while, but my home server, kheops, first ran Debian 1.1 when I stopped running a BBS on an MS-DOS machine to host a news server. That was back in October 1996. I then happened to be a user, and more specifically a user of genealogy software, also participating very actively in Usenet from this home computer and server, that was running this Debian thing. So, progressively, I joined mailing lists and, being a passionate person, I tried to figure out how I could bring my own little contribution to all this. This is why I became a packager (yes, I am one!) by taking over the geneweb package, which I was using to publish my genealogy research. I applied as DD in January 2001, then got my account in July 2001. My first upload to the Debian archive occurred on August 22nd 2001: that was of course geneweb, which I still maintain. Quite quickly, I became involved in the work on French localization. I have always been a strong supporter of localized software (I even translated a few BBS software back in the early 90 s) as one of the way to bring the power and richness of free software to more users. Localization work lead me to work on the early version of Debian Installer, during those 2003-2005 years where the development of D-I was an incredibly motivating and challenging task, lead by Joey Hess and his inspiring ideas. From user to contributor to leader, I suddenly discovered, around 2004, that I became the coordinator of D-I i18n (internationalization) without even noticing :-) You re the main translation coordinator in Debian. What plans and goals have you set for Debian Wheezy? As always: paint the world in red. Indeed, this is my goal for years. I would like our favorite distro to be able to be used by anyone in the world, whether she speaks English, Northern Sami, Wolof, Uyghur or Secwepemcts n. As a matter of symbol, I use the installer for this. My stance is that one should be able to even install Debian in one s own language. So, for about 7 years, I use D-I as a way to attract new localization contributors. This progress is represented on this page where the world is gradually painted in red as long as the installer supports more languages release after release. The map above tries to illustrate this by painting in red countries when the most spoken language in the country is supported in Debian Installer. However, that map does not give enough reward to many great efforts made to support very different kind of languages. Not only various national languages, but also very different ones: all regional languages of Spain, many of the most spoken languages in India, minority languages such as Uyghur for which an effort is starting, Northern Sami because it is taught in a few schools in Norway, etc., etc. Still, the map gives a good idea of what I would like to see better supported: languages from Africa, several languages in Central Asia. And, as a very very personal goal, I m eagerly waiting for support of Tibetan in Debian Installer, the same way we support its sister language, Dzongkha from Bhutan. For this to happen, we have to make contribution to localization as easy as possible. The very distributed nature of Debian development makes this a challenge, as material to translate (D-I components, debconf screens, native packages, packages descriptions, website, documentation) is very widely spread. A goal, for years, is to set a centralized place where translators could work easily without even knowing about SVN/GIT/BZR or having to report bugs to send their work. The point, however, would be to have this without making compromises on translation quality. So, with peer review, use of thesaurus and translation memory and all such techniques. Tools for this exist: we, for instance, worked with the developers of Pootle to help making it able to cope with the huge amount of material in Debian (think about packages descriptions translations). However, as of now, the glue between such tools and the raw material (that often lies in packages) didn t come. So, currently, translation work in Debian requires a great knowledge of how things are organized, where is the material, how it can be possible to make contribution reach packages, etc. And, as I m technically unable to fulfill the goal of building the infrastructure, I m fulfilling that role of spreading out the knowledge. This is how I can define my coordinator role. Ubuntu uses a web-based tool to make it easy to contribute translations directly in Launchpad. At some point you asked Canonical to make it free software. Launchpad has been freed in the mean time. Have you (re)considered using it? Why not? After all, it more or less fills in the needs I just described. I still don t really figure out how we could have all Debian material gathered in Rosetta/Launchpad .and also how Debian packagers could easily get localized material back from the framework without changing their development processes. I have always tried to stay neutral wrt Ubuntu. As many people now in Debian, I feel like we have reached a good way to achieve our mutual development. When it comes at localization work, the early days where the everything in Rosetta and translates who wants stanza did a lot of harm to several upstream localization projects is, I think, way over. Many people who currently contribute to D-I localization were indeed sent to me by Ubuntu contributors .and by localizing D-I, apt, debconf, package descriptions, etc., they re doing translation work for Ubuntu as well as for Debian. Let s say I m a Debian user and I want to help translate Debian in my language. I can spend 1 hour per week on this activity. What should I do to start? Several language teams use Debian mailing lists to coordinate their work. If you re lucky enough to be a speaker of one of these languages, try joining debian-l10n-<yourlanguage> and follow what s happening there. Don t try to immediately jump in some translation work. First, participate to peer reviews: comment on others translations. Learn about the team s processes, jargon and habits. Then, progressively, start working on a few translations: you may want to start with translations of debconf templates: they are short, often easy to do. That s perfect if you have few time. If no language team exists for your language, try joining debian-i18n and ask about existing effort for your language. I may be able to point you to individuals working on Debian translations (very often along with other free software translation efforts). If I am not, then you have just been named coordinator for your language :-) I may even ask you if you want to work on translating the Debian Installer. What s the biggest problem of Debian? We have no problems, we only have solutions :-) We are maybe facing a growth problem for a few years. Despite the increased welcoming aspects of our processes (Debian Maintainers), Debian is having hard times in growing. The overall number of active contributors is probably stagnating for quite a while. I m still amazed, however, to see how we can cope with that and still be able to release over the years. So, after all, this is maybe not a problem :-) Many people would point communication problems here. I don t. I think that communication inside the Debian project is working fairly well now. Our famous flame wars do of course still happen from time to time, but what large free software project doesn t have flame wars? In many areas, we indeed improved communication very significantly. I want to take as an example the way the release of squeeze has been managed. I think that the release team did, even more this time, a very significant and visible effort to communicate with the entire project. And the release of squeeze has been a great success in that matter. So, there s nearly nothing that frustrates me in Debian. Even when a random developer breaks my beloved 100% completeness of French translations, I m not frustrated for more than 2 minutes. You re known in the Debian community as the organizer of the Cheese & Wine Party during DebConf. Can you tell us what this is about? This is an interesting story about how things build themselves in Debian. It all started in July 2005, before DebConf 5 in Helsinki. Denis Barbier, Nicolas Fran ois and myself agreed to bring at Debconf a few pieces of French cheese as well as 1 or 2 bottles of French wine and share them with some friends. Thus, we settled an informal meeting in the French room where we invited some fellows: from memory, Benjamin Mako Hill, Hannah Wallach, Matt Zimmermann and Moray Allan. All of us fond of smelly cheese, great wine plus some extra p t home-made by Denis in Toulouse. It finally happened that, by word of mouth, a few dozens of other people slowly joined in that French room and turned the whole thing into an improvized party that more or less lasted for the entire night. The tradition was later firmly settled in 2006, first in Debconf 6 in Mexico where I challenged the French DDs to bring as many great cheese as possible, then during the Debian i18n meeting in Extremadura (Sept 2006) where we reached the highest amount of cheese per participant ever. I think that the Creofonte building in Casar de C ceres hasn t fully recovered from it and is still smelling cheese 5 years after. This party later became a real tradition for DebConf, growing over and over each year. I see it as a wonderful way to illustrate the diversity we have in Debian, as well as the mutual enrichment we always felt during DebConfs. My only regret about it is that it became so big over the years that organizing it is always a challenge and I more and more feel pressure to make it successful. However, over the years, I always found incredible help by DebConf participants (including my own son, last year a moment of sharing which we will both remember for years, i think). And, really, in 2010, standing up on a chair, shouting (because the microphone wasn t working) to thank everybody, was the most emotional moment I had at Debconf 10. Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? So many people. So, just like it happens in many awards ceremonies, I will be very verbose to thank people, sorry in advance for this. The name that comes first is Joey Hess. Joey is someone who has a unique way to perceive what improvements are good for Debian and a very precise and meticulous way to design these improvements. Think about debconf. It is designed for so long now and still reaching its very specific goal. So well designed that it is the entire basis for Joey s other achievement: designing D-I. Moreover, I not only admire Joey for his technical work, but also for his interaction with others. He is not he loudest person around, he doesn t have to .just giving his point in discussion and, guess what? Most of the time, he s right. Someone I would like to name here, also, is Colin Watson. Colin is also someone I worked with for years (the D-I effect, again ) and, here again, the very clever way he works on technical improvements as well as his very friendly way to interact with others just make it. And, how about you, Rapha l? :-) I m really admirative of the way you work on promoting technical work on Debian. Your natural ability to explain things (as good in English as it is in French) and your motivation to share your knowledge are a great benefit for the project. Not to mention the technical achievements you made with Guillem on dpkg of course! Another person I d like to name here is Steve Langasek. We both maintain samba packages for years and collaboration with him has always been a pleasure. Just like Colin, Steve is IMHO a model to follow when it comes at people who work for Canonical while continuing their involvment in Debian. And, indeed, Steve is so patient with my mistakes and stupid questions in samba packaging that he deserves a statue. We re now reaching the end of the year where Stefano Zacchiroli was the Debian Project Leader. And, no offense intended to people who were DPL before him (all of them being people I consider to be friends of mine), I think he did the best term ever. Zack is wonderful in sharing his enthusiasm about Debian and has a unique way to do it. Up to the very end of his term, he has always been working on various aspects of the project and my only hope is that he ll run again (however, I would very well understand that he wants to go back to his hacking activities!). Hat off, Zack!I again have several other people to name in this Bubulle hall of Fame : Don Armstrong, for his constant work on improving Debian BTS, Margarita Manterola as one of the best successes of Debian Women (and the most geeky honeymoon ever), Denis Barbier and Nicolas Fran ois because i18n need really skilled people, Cyril Brulebois and Julien Cristau who kept packaging alive in lenny and squeeze, Otavio Salvador who never gave up on D-I even when we were so few to care about it. I would like to make a special mention for Frans Pop. His loss in 2010 has been a shock for many of us, and particularly me. Frans and I had a similar history in Debian, both mostly working on so-called non technical duties. Frans has been the best release manager for D-I (no offense intended, at all, to Joey or Otavio .I know that both of them share this feeling with me). His very high involvment in his work and the very meticulous way he was doing it lead to great achievements in the installer. The Installation Guide work was also a model and indeed a great example of non technical work that requires as many skills as more classical technical work. So, and even though he was sometimes so picky and, I have to admit, annoying, that explains why I m still feeling sad and, in some way, guilty about Frans loss. One of my goals for wheezy is indeed to complete some things Frans left unachieved. I just found one in bug #564441: I will make this work reach the archive, benefit our users and I know that Frans would have liked that.
Thank you to Christian for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did. Subscribe to my newsletter to get my monthly summary of the Debian/Ubuntu news and to not miss further interviews. You can also follow along on, Twitter and Facebook.

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2 December 2010

Sandro Tosi: bts-link has a new home!

Since (already) several weeks, bts-link has a new home:! That's one of the machines where BTS is running, and it helps to let bts-link complete its job in about 30 mins each time. Thanks goes to Don Armstrong and Peter Palfrader for their support in the migration (from merkel).

Once again, let me encourage you to contact the bts-link developers mailing-list to request your project to be added to the tool in case it's not (we usually do some checks and adds from time to time, but if you notify us, you'll get it faster :) ).

12 August 2010

Olivier Berger: Report on Debbugs New developments in the ongoing struggle against bugs by Don Armstrong at Debconf

Here are some notes I took about the lecture Debbugs New developments in the ongoing struggle against bugs by Don Armstrong at Debconf 10 (that I watched from the stream). Note that the slides are at :, and here, I ll only mention most noteworthy elements I ve noticed. There s a linear growth of number of bugs reported for several years, from the statistics made by Don. In average, there s same number of bugs filed / archived per day : Debian s not losing ground against bugs ;) A new affect command has been added, for bugs present in a package affecting another package. The summary command which can be used to quickly spot the summary of lengthy discussions deserves more love. Included summary -1 to send a new summary by email. The new local-debbugs package : can mirror your bugs locally and allow to search, show, etc. even offline. Lots of ideas for new features still in development (but lacking manpower). Interesting idea about action required sorting which exhibits different interests for triager, maintainer, user, to maximize productivity. I guess this should be implemented in clients of the BTS also. Interesting ideas about distributed bug tracking : sharing status with other bugtrackers (see other report), sideways syncing with other distributions, and making it available to upstream also. Note this was discussed in a subsequent BoF, which I ve already blogged about. Some elements taken from the Q&A : Overall, a very interesting presentation. Well worth watching the video recording. See also my report on the presentation by Christine Spang on Distributing bugtracking for Debian with SD which also discussed some debbugs things.

21 September 2008

Frank S. Thomas: Goddies with bts status and select

Since I was watching Don Armstrong’s talk about Debbugs’ SOAP interface I wanted to use devscripts' bts to get a list of boinc’s top five bug reporter. Finally, this is possible with devscripts (>= 2.10.36):
bts status file:-  bts select source:boinc archive:both  \
    egrep "^originator"   cut -f2-   sort   uniq -ci   sort -n \
    tail -n5
 2 Riccardo Stagni <>
 3 Martin Michlmayr <>
 6 Robert Millan <>
 6 Thibaut VARENE <>
10 Sandro Tosi <>
Sweet - Thanks Debbugs and Devscripts maintainers!
And congratulations Sandro (or thank you - whatever you find appropriate)!

